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Jesus’ Life Matters.

Jesus’ Life Matters.

By Lim Chii

During the earthly ministry of Jesus’ life on earth, it was plagued with what seemed like accidents and errors happening during Jesus’ life, and childhood. Despite this constant disarray, Jesus does fulfill his intended purpose. Is God in control? Or otherwise?

Indeed does Jesus’ life matter?

Does it matter to you?

Why will it matter?

In the few incidents presented to us in the Bible, we see that the events that occurred during the infant stages of Jesus’ life were events that seem to go against Jesus and his purpose for coming to earth.

Mass Slaughtering Of Infants

After being born, Jesus’ star apparently appeared, this occurrence caused wise men that studied the stars to believe that the promised king, the one true ruler for the Jews had been born. Thus their journey to Jerusalem in a bid to meet the prophesized ruler of Jerusalem.

The wise men had thought that the promised king of Jerusalem was residing in the royal palace of Jerusalem. To their disappointment, however, they were wrong and were told to report to King Herod upon discovery of the promised child.

Days passed, and King Herod realized that the wise men did not notify him about the whereabouts of Jesus and had instead left Jerusalem. In a fit of anger, he ordered the mass execution of infants ranging from one to two years of age.

Lost On The Way Back From The Temple

In this incident, we observe a traditional Jewish visit to the temple, however, during the return we learn Jesus had not followed his parents back and his parents spent four days searching for Him.

Upon finding him, Jesus’ response showed His surprise to his parents for not knowing that he would be in his father's house learning by asking questions.

As he grew, he grew in knowledge and stature.

Why Did These Incidents Happen?

Are the incidents that happened a will of God? We see that the incidents happened to fulfill the prophecy that was proclaimed through the prophet Jeremiah. This states that after a voice heard in Ramah, great weeping and mourning sufficed as a result of ‘Rachel’s children’ being no more.

The hypothetical ‘Rachel’s children’ might refer to the Jews in general as her children, like those residing in Jerusalem at that time.

(Matthew 2:18) and (Jeremiah 31:15)

The prophecy and event that happened reassured the fact that God was looking out for Jesus, and had planned the events that were to happen as long ago as during Jeremiah’s time.

Another prophecy that points to it being God’s supreme will was the prophecy that Jesus would be called a Nazarene, and the fact that he was born in Jerusalem seemed to defy that prophecy. The latter events certainly influenced Joseph to settle in Nazareth, because Archelaus, Herod’s son and successor, was reigning in Judea.

(Mathew 2:22)

Through reading the prophecies, we can have a greater knowledge and understanding of the incidents in Jesus’ life and have a better grasp of what God was planning.

We now know that God has always been in control of the situation.

Whether it be for fulfilling His prophecies or to fulfill his great redemptive plan for us, God is always in control from the start to the end.

God does in fact lookout for Jesus.

And he does for you too.

Will you let Him?


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